Audit Committee
Perseroan memiliki Komite Audit sesuai dengan peraturan dari Bapepam dan Lembaga Keuangan ( BapepamLK ). Perseroan menunjuk komite audit berdasarkan LK Nomor I.7 tanggal 28 November 2008. Komite Audit diketuai oleh Bapak Drs. Hardi SH., MM., MH., Ak., CPA, CA, ACPAcc. ( komisaris independen ) dan beranggota dua orang professional independen yang berpengalaman di bidangnya yaitu Drs. Al Azhar L, MM, Ak., CA dan Drs. Kalvin Immanuel Ginting, Ak., CA.
Tugas dan tanggung jawab Komite Audit adalah memberikan pendapat dan saran kepada Dewan Komisaris terhadap laporan atau hal-hal yang disampaikan oleh Dewan Direksi, mengindentifikasi hal-hal yang memerlukan perhatian Dewan Komisaris dan melaksanakan tugas-tugas lain yang berkaitan dengan tugas Dewan Komisaris. Sesuai dengan peraturan Bapepam LK Nomor IX.I.7 tanggal 28 Nopember 2008, Piagam Audit Internal telah ditetapkan oleh Direksi Perseroan dan disetujui oleh Dewan Komisaris pada tanggal 21 Desember 2009.
In compliance with the regulation of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK), the company appointed an audit committee based on LK No. II.7 on November 28, 2008 and chaired by Drs. Hardi SH., MM., MH., Ak., CPA, CA, ACPAcc. (independent commissioner) and has two members, Drs. Al Azhar L, MM, Ak., CA and Drs. Kalvin Immanuel Ginting, Ak., CA. who are independent proffesionals with sufficient experience.
The job and responsibility of Audit Committee is to provide opinion and advice to the Board of Commissioners on report and other matters presented by the Board of Directors, to identify matters that requires further attention by the BOC, and to peform other tasks as assigned and related to the role of BOC. Due to regulation of Bapepam LK number IX.1.7 dated 28 November 2008, Internal Audit Charter was signed by Board of Directors and approved by Board of Commisioners on 21st December 2009.