Pendirian Perseroan

PT Surya Dumai Industri Tbk ( ”Perseroan”) didirikan dalam rangka Undang-undang Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri No.6 tahun 1968 Jo.Undang-undang No.12 tahun 1970 berdasarkan Akta Pendirian No.89 tanggal 31 Januari 1979 oleh Notaris Syawal Sutan Diatas, SH., dan telah disahkan oleh Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia dengan Surat Keputusan No.Y.A.5/51/7 tanggal 12 Februari 1980.

Anggaran Dasar Perseroan telah mengalami beberapa kali perubahan, antara lain dirubah dengan Akta No.43 tanggal 27 Juni 2008 mengenai persetujuan perubahan seluruh Anggaran Dasar Perseroan sesuai dengan ketentuan Undang-undang No.40 tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas dan terakhir dirubah dengan Akta No. 11 tanggal 18 Mei 2018 mengenai perubahan susunan pengurus.

Company’s establishment

PT Surya Dumai Industri Tbk (“the Company”) was established within the framework of Domestic Capital Investment Law No.6 year 1968, as amended by Law No.12 year 1970, based on Notarial Deed No.89 of Public Notary Syawal Sutan Diatas, SH, dated January 31, 1979. The Deed was approved by the Minister of Justice of Republic of Indonesia in Decision Letter No.Y.A.5/51/7 dated February 12, 1980.

have been amended several times. The last change is Act No.43 dated June 27, 2008, of P Sutrisno A Tampubolon, SH, M.Kn., Notary in Jakarta, concerning the approval of the Amendment Deed of the Company according to Law No.40 year 207 about Limited Company. The Company’s Articles of Association have been amended forseveral times, including amended by Notary Deed No. 43 dated June 27, 2008 regarding the approval of changes to the Articles of Association of the Company in accordance with the provisions of Law 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Companies, and last changed by Deed. No.11 dated May 18, 2018 regarding the changes in management structure